- You get your coaching certification
- You build a website
- You announce this to your friends and family and on social media
- Clients find your website and schedule an initial call
- You get on a call, and you sign up a new client.
- You build a widely successful coaching business.
Wouldn’t this be amazing if it worked out this way?
Instead, the journey for most coaches goes something like this:
- You spend about three months deciding whether you need certification
- You spend even longer watching webinars and “ gurus” telling you all that you need to grow your business
- You start implementing what you are learning from those webinars
- You get excited because you feel like you are working on your goals.
- You quickly realize that you are even more confused than before you started
- It feels like you are peeling an onion; every time you think you have the right strategy, you come across a conflicting one.
- You start posting on social media
- You attempt to go live
- You are getting discouraged because nothing is happening.
- You get someone on a call who may be interested
- You realize on that call that they were never planning on paying for a coach.
- You are heartbroken
- You tried a few coaching courses here and there
- You are even more confused
If you are a coach and you are confused, you are not alone. Our latest survey showed that 80% of coaches struggle the most with the following:
– Client acquisition – How to get the attention of potential clients
– Client conversion– How to get those potential clients to become paying clients
We created a training that outlines the exact pillars you need to grow your coaching business. In this 40 minutes training, we provide you with the blueprint that you need to hit your financial goals with your coaching business. Click HERE.
When you have this blueprint in place, it becomes easy and even enjoyable to build your coaching business. The good news is that we have seen this blueprint work for coaches at every level.
Take for example, one of our clients Ray Ann who was a brand new coach who was at her breaking point before joining our program. She had spent so much money on coaching programs without any results. She used the five pillars method ( which is outlined in the free training) to make 11k in a matter of days.
This works exceptionally well for coaches who know their stuff. Take our other client Dr. Michelle who is a licensed therapist who wanted to start coaching. She went from charging $20/per session to selling her coaching packages for five figures.
The coaching industry is booming like never before and NOW is a great time to jump in.
Here is the FREE TRAINING, where I break down exactly how the strategies that they used to grow their business.